Academic Integrity Violation

Click the link below to download the Honor Code Incident Form. This form must be returned (even if sanctions are not assigned) to the Assistant Provost for Academic Excellence and Integrity no later than 10 days after the discussion date listed in the top box above.

Academic Integrity Report Form

Learn more about the Academic Integrity process with this frequently asked questions page

Report an Incident or Concern for a Student

Incident reporting forms are for non-emergency reporting only. If any person may be in danger, call 911 immediately. Reports will be reviewed within 1-2 business days of submission. Based on the type of report, you may be contacted for additional information (if you provide your name or contact information). Though anonymous reports are permitted, doing so may limit the University’s ability to investigate and/or respond.

Based on the type of report you submit, appropriate university staff will receive information.

Learn More About the Incident Report Forms

Asked to serve as an Advisor?

A student may ask you to attend a student conduct meeting as an advisor. As part of a student’s rights through the student conduct process, a student may have a member of the university community attend the meeting with them. This will be slightly different depending on the type of conduct process they are going through. Please visit the following for information related to the Title IX and Sexual Misconduct process.

Learn more about the Advisor role in this frequently asked questions page.

Request Student Conduct Records

Elon University student leadership positions, certain experiences (such as study abroad/away), and some scholarships may require that applicants/ participants release their Student Conduct record (sometimes referred to as “disciplinary records” or “disciplinary history”).  Students must give permission for records to be released (except as provided by FERPA).

Please direct all requests for Student Conduct records via email to

Learn More About Requesting Student Conduct Records